CD 4 (27) May I have a blanket?

Hello, Gogo.
Hello,Tony. Hello, Jenny.
He’s not well.
What’s the matter, Gogo?
I don’t know.
He’s changing colour.
I’m sorry. I’m not well.
May I lie down?
Yes, of course.
I’m cold.
May I have a blanket, please?
Yes, of course you may.
Thank you, Jenny.
Do you want anything?
Yes. I’m thirsty.
May I have a drink, please?
Of course you may.
Gogo’s not well, Mum.
May I phone the doctor?
Is he very ill?
He’s sneezing and changing colour.
Oh, dear.
Yes, phone the doctor.
Hello. What’s the matter?
I don’t know.
May I touch your forehead?
Mmm. You’re hot.
May I look at your throat?
Open your mouth, please.
Say ‘Aaah.’
Have you got a sore throat?
Yes, I have.
Take two pills after meals.
Take two pills after meals.
Meals. Right!
Is he very ill?
No. He’s got a cold.
It’s not serious.
Thank you, doctor.
What are you doing?
I’m eating a meal.
Now I can take my pills.
Oh, Gogo!
Gogo, it’s twelve o’clock.
We are hungry.
May we have lunch, please?
May we have lunch, please?
Yes, you may.
Thank you, Gogo.
May I have a burger, please?
Here you are.
Thank you, Gogo.
May I have a sandwich, please?
Yes, you may.
Thank you, Gogo.
May I have a hot dog, please?
Yes, you may.
Thank you, Gogo.
May I have an orange, please?
May I have a pear, please?
May I have an apple, please?
Yes, you may.
May I have an apple, please?
May I have an orange, please?
May I have a pear, please?
Yes, you may.