Vol.35  I want some cards, please.

G: Hello, Tony. Hello, Jenny.
J: Gogo!
G/ What are you doing?
T/ We’re building our railway. May I have some wheels please, Jenny?
J/ I can’t see any wheels, Tony. Oh yes. Have some wheels.
G/ May I help you?
J/ Thank you, Gogo. Of course.
(…Gogo’s magic)
T&J/ Gosh!
G/ I like making things. What can I make? I know. I can make a … (whisper to Tony)
J/ What can he make?
T/ Wait and see, Jenny.
G/ Have you got any bolls?
T/ No, I’m sorry, Gogo. I haven’t got any bolls.
(…Gogo’s magic)
G/ I’ve got some bolls now. I have got some nails, too.
T/ Do you want any balloons, Gogo?
G/ Oh, yes! I want some balloons, please. (…Gogo’s magic)
J/ Tony, what’s he making? I want to know.
T/ Wait a minute, Jenny. Go on, Gogo.
G/ I want some cups. (…Gogo’s magic)
T/ Do you want any cards?
G/ Cards? What are cards? (Tony whispers to Gogo and they laugh.)
Oh, yes. I want some cards, please. (…Gogo’s magic)
J/ I don’t understand. Gogo, What are you making?
G/ Now I want a hummer, a teapot and an egg. Now I’m ready. (Makes a Rube Goldberg machine.)
J/ What is it?
G/ Watch. (The machine breaks a boiled egg) I like eggs.
T&J/ Oh, Gogo!


  Gogo’s world 

JB/ What’s that, Gogo?
G/ It’s a machine.
TP/ It’s a big machine. What can it do?
G/ Watch.

๔๔๔  SONG  ๔๔๔
Tappyy, have you got any eggs?
Tappyy, have you got any eggs?
No, I haven’t got any eggs.
You’ve got some eggs now.
Yes, I’ve got some eggs now.
Please put them here.

Jeeby, have you got any balls?
Jeeby, have you got any balls?
No, I haven’t got any bolls.
You’ve got some bolls now.
Yes, I’ve got some bolls now.
Please put them here.
๔๔๔  END  ๔๔๔